View explorer is used to see the core elements in a view definition and to quickly customize the layout or drill down path of a view. It is also used to access the Properties window for items in the view and folders in view explorer, and to invoke pop-up menus that have options for carrying out key functions in the view. View explorer is recommended if you are making a series of edits and don't want to refresh the grid until the last edit has been made. All edits will be applied once you click OK in the Apply Changes window.
Only those elements in the view definition that your role allows you to access will display in view explorer. The elements are organized into a tree structure that has expandable/collapsible folders for the view name, parameters, grid, rows, columns, view filter, measure items, presentation type and prompting, and charts.
Color-coding is used to help you distinguish which items will be visible in the grid and which will remain hidden as you drill through the view. For example, blue items are those visible in the current drilldown state of the view and black items are not currently visible but will be once you drill to them. Grey objects are part of the view definition but not actively being used in the view; therefore, they will remain hidden no matter where you drill to in the view.
See View Explorer for complete descriptions of all parts of this interface.