Delete User Profile Window



Options for Global Objects:

  • Delete - Select this option if you want to delete the global objects of the user whose profile is being deleted. Global objects are global views, user links, user lists, actions, and conditional formats.

  • Reassign - Select this option if you want to retain the global objects of the user whose profile is being deleted. The list next to this option will be enabled and populated with the names of security administrators. Choose a security administrator, and upon deletion of the user profile their global objects will be reassigned to that administrator.


Options for Shared Objects:

  • Delete - Select this option if you want to delete the shared views of the user whose profile is being deleted.

  • Reassign - Select this option if you want to retain the shared views of the user whose profile is being deleted. The list next to this option will be enabled and populated with the names of advanced users, view administrators, and security administrators. Choose a user, and upon deletion of the user profile their shared views will be reassigned to that user.

Note: Personal objects will always be deleted for any user profile that is being deleted. Personal objects are personal views, user links, user lists, actions, and conditional formats.