Stratum.Planner Influence on Time Range Properties for Measure Items

Stratum.Planner ViewGroups, ViewSets, and ViewSetItems impact the options available to you when setting up time range properties for regular measure items. Time range properties are available in the Insert and Edit Measure Item windows when the Time Range property in a view is set to Yes. See Time Dimension Creation for Stratum.Viewer for more detailed information about the Stratum.Planner influence on time in Stratum.Connector for Viewer and Stratum.Viewer.

Note: See also ViewGroups and ViewSets in the Stratum Storage Database and Using Time Ranges vs. Time Hierarchies in Views.

Here is a summary of how your time setup in Stratum.Planner impacts Stratum.Viewer time range properties. An example follows.

Here are some Actual Sales measures in Stratum.Viewer that belong to the Actual Sales Category.


Here are the time units displayed in the Insert Measure Item window. The list of available Time Units is based on the Stratum.Planner ViewGroup associated with the selected measures.


The Stratum.Planner ViewGroup associated with Actual Sales measures is “Weekly”. Each absolute periodic ViewSet associated with this ViewGroup becomes an available time unit for the Actual Sales measures. In this case, the units are Beginning Period, Months, Period, Quarters, and Weeks. They display in the Time Unit drop-down list based on the ViewSet Priority property assigned to them in Stratum.Planner.


The Months ViewSet has the lowest priority. Therefore, it appears first in the list and is also the default time unit for Actual Sales measures.


Here is the From Year drop-down list for the Months time unit in the Insert Measure Item window. The available years and year selected by default are determined by ViewSetItems from absolute and based year ViewSets.


The From Year and To Year drop-down lists in the window are populated with the ViewSetItems from the absolute and based year ViewSets associated with the ViewGroup – in this example the Year Based and Years ViewSets. The years will display based on the priority of their associated ViewSets. In this example, the Based Year ViewSet has a lower priority than the Year ViewSet; therefore, the based years appear before the absolute years. The ViewSetItem defined as the Default for the based ViewSet will be selected as the default for the From Year and To Year drop-down lists. The Default ViewSetItem in this example is Current Year. 


Here is the From Period drop-down list for the Months time unit in the Insert Measure Item window. The available periods and period selected by default are determined by ViewSetItems from the Months ViewSet and the associated based periodic ViewSet.


The From Period and To Period drop-down lists in the window will be populated with the applicable time unit’s absolute and based periodic ViewSetItems – in this example they are from the Months Based and Months ViewSets. The months will display based on the priority of their associated ViewSets. In this example, the Based Months ViewSet has a lower priority than the Months ViewSet, therefore the based months appear before the absolute months. The ViewSetItem defined as the Default for the based ViewSet will be selected by default for the From Period and To Period drop-down lists. The Default ViewSetItem in this example is Current Month.
