Edit Measures for Regular Measure Items

Steps for:

See also: Why isn't there a Section for Time in the Insert/Edit Measure Item Window?

Measure Items with Time Ranges

1.  Double-click the caption for the measure item in the view.


1.  If the Properties window for the measure item is open, click the Browse button browse_btn.gif next to the Measure field.

2.  In the Edit Measure Item window, select one or multiple measure items to edit.

3.   Use the Measures drop-down list to select a new measure for the measure item(s).

If needed, use the search button browsebuttonsearchselect.png to open the Select Measures window. Use the window to search for particular types of measures, make your selections, and then click OK or Cancel when you are done to return to the Edit Measure Item window.

4.  Click Update to update the selected item(s) and leave the window open to change additional measure items.


4.  Click OK to proceed with the edits and close the window.

Measure Items without Time Ranges

1.   Double-click the caption for the measure item in the view.

2.   In the Edit Measure Item window, select the first measure that you need to edit.

3.   Use the Measures drop-down list to select a new measure for the measure item.

If needed, use the search button browsebuttonsearchselect.png to open the Select Measures window. Use the window to search for particular types of measures, make your selection, and then click OK or Cancel when you are done to return to the Edit Measure Item window.

4.  Click Update to update the selected item and leave the window open to change additional measure items.


4.  Click OK to proceed with the edits and close the window.