Cell Formatting with Conditional Formats, Hyperlinks, Drilldown Views, and Pop-up Labels

Grid formatting and pop-up label text for a measure item are influenced by the combination of properties you have set up for a measure item and for the Measure Items axis. Contributing factors for formatting are the Conditional Format, Hyperlink, and Drilldown View properties. Contributing factors for pop-up label text are the Pop-up Label Expression, Hyperlink, and Drilldown View properties.

Note: Conditional Format, Hyperlink, and Pop-up Label Expression properties are set up by individual measure items. The Drilldown View property is set up for all measure items via the Measure Items folder in view explorer.

Some properties take precedence over others, which is taken in to consideration by Stratum.Viewer when it displays measure items in the grid. Here are the priorities given to the properties for formatting and pop-up labels. Examples are provided.

Priority for Formatting Properties

1.   If a conditional format exists for the measure item, then format the measure item cells based on the Format properties of the conditional format rules (for example the background color, font color, or font weight).

Note: The conditional format takes precedence over hyperlink and drilldown view formatting even if the conditional format rules do not result in any special formatting for a specific cell.

2.   Else if hyperlink is defined for the measure item, then format the measure item values in blue underlined text.

3.   Else if a drilldown view is defined for the Measure Items axis, then format the measure item values in blue underlined text.

Note: Blue underlined formatting is not applied to any images or indicators displayed for measure items.

Priority for Pop-up Label Text

1.   If a pop-up label is defined for the measure item, then display pop-up label text.

2.   Else if a hyperlink is defined for the measure item, then display the hyperlink.

3.  Else if a drilldown view is defined for the Measure Items axis, then display the text ‘Drill To” followed by the name of the drilldown view.

Note: If none of the above properties are used, there won’t be a pop-up label when you hover over the measure item in the grid.

Example 1

The marked measure item in this view has a conditional format and hyperlink defined for it. Sales after returns that are less than $15,000 display in red, bold text based on the conditional format rules. Since the conditional formatting takes precedent over the hyperlink formatting, there is no visual cue to the user that a hyperlink has been defined for this measure item. However, when the user hovers over the measure item cell, the cursor will change to a link. If you were to remove the conditional format (see second image), then all values for that measure item would display as blue underlined text because of the hyperlink defined for it.


Here is the measure item formatting after the conditional format was removed.


Example 2

The marked measure item in this view has a pop-up label defined for it. There is also a drilldown view defined via the Measure Items axis. The pop-up label text for the marked measure item is the text from the executed pop-up label expression. For other measures items that don’t have a pop-up label defined, the name of the drilldown view shows in the pop-up label (see second image).


Here is the pop-label text for all other measure items, which do not have pop-up labels or hyperlinks defined for them. The name of the drilldown view for the Measure Items axis displays.
