The levels from the hierarchies in your Stratum.Viewer environment are the foundation of your views. You can arrange levels in many different ways to create the desired view of your business data. Place one or more levels on both the rows or columns axis, or only a single axis. For views with multiple levels per axis, you can drill down and up by the levels or one of their members to focus in on a particular segment of your data. Also, you can use levels for filtering purposes on a single axis or in the view filter to filter the entire view.
Attribute relationships belong to levels and can be displayed in views as supplementary information about the level. Other useful functions of attribute relationships are building filters on an axis, creating an expression filter on individual levels, or setting up calculated measure items.
This view has a Customer Ship-To level visible on rows. You can see in the view explorer, on the right, that the Customer Ship-To level belongs to a hierarchy by the same name. One attribute relationship is displayed for the level on rows. The hyperlinked text for the level on rows can be clicked to drill down to the second level in the view, Product. The Product ABC Class level in the View Filter filters the entire view by member A.