Save a Custom Conditional Format

Custom conditional formats can be created on-the-fly, and they are not available for use in other views or by other users unless they are saved as a conditional format. However, you can perform a Save As on a custom conditional format to create a new conditional format that can be used in other views.

Here are the steps for saving a custom conditional format, followed by an example.

1.   From the Select Conditional Format window, click the Custom button cfcustombutton.png to open the Custom Conditional Format window.

2.   Define all the rules to be applied to the measure item.

3.   Click the Save As button cfsaveasbutton.png to open the Save Custom Conditional Format As window.

4.   If a name and / or description were entered on the Custom Conditional Format window, they default on the Save Custom Conditional Format As window. After specifying a name, description, and whether or not the conditional format is global, click the Save button. For advanced users, the Type property defaults to Personal and is disabled.


5.   The custom conditional format is saved as a conditional format. The Select Conditional Format window is redisplayed with the newly saved conditional format selected (highlighted) in the listing.
