Add Custom Icons for Conditional Formatting

Pre-defined icon sets and icons are included with your Stratum.Viewer installation to support the conditional formatting functionality. All conditional format icons must reside in a subfolder of the Images/Icons folder of the Stratum.Viewer application. The files type must be *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, or *.bmp.

The Select Icon and the Select Icon Set windows display all the subfolders for the Images/Icon folder. The right hand side of the windows displays all the *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, or *.bmp files that exist in the selected folder.

If additional icons sets and icons are needed, they must be added to an appropriate subfolder of the Images/Icon folder of the Stratum.Viewer application. In the example below, a “Silvon Custom” subfolder has been added to the Images/Icon folder of the Stratum.Viewer application. Two files, google.jpg and map.jpg, were added.

Note: The files used by conditional formatting will display in the Viewer grid using its original, default size.
