Scheduled Actions Overview, Parameters, and Examples

Email and File Share actions can be scheduled for processing using the Action Processing application. The application resides in the Stratum.Viewer bin folder and can be initiated a variety of ways including through scheduled tasks on the Stratum.Viewer server. The application is an executable file named Silvon.ViewActionProcess.exe.

In the remainder of this section, we will refer to the person responsible for scheduling actions as the Action Administrator. Also, we will refer to the related User Account that is specified for executing the scheduled actions as the Action Processing Account. Emails generated by scheduled actions will be from the Action Processing Account.

Notes: The Action Administrator doesn’t need to have a Stratum.Viewer user profile.

Email actions can be processed either by scheduled processing or interactively from the Select Action window. File Share actions must be processed via scheduling.  


The Action Processing application has the following parameters. Important guidelines to consider while using them:






Specifies the action ID to be processed.

Can be found in the Attributes section of the View Distribution window.

Yes for both Email and File Share actions.



Determines the location* and name of the shared file.

Yes for File Share actions. Doesn’t apply to Email actions.

Include the *.xlsx extension when specifying the parameter value. Enclose the parameter and value in double quotes if you use any spaces within that string of text, such as spaces in file name.



Used to specify a custom location* for the processing log file.

Can be used in conjunction with the /LogFileName parameter.

No. If not specified, the log file will be written to the default location of the Log\View Action folder in the Stratum.Viewer application folder.

Enclose the parameter and value in double quotes if you use any spaces within that string of text, such as spaces in folder name.



Used to specify a custom name for the processing log file.

Can be used in conjunction with the /LogFolderPath parameter.

No. If not specified, the log file will be assigned an automatically-generated, unique file name that includes the action ID.

If used, include the *.txt file extension when specifying the parameter value. Enclose the parameter and value in double quotes if you use any spaces within that string of text, such as spaces in file name.



Used to specify a custom location* for the temporary file that is created during action processing.

The file is deleted automatically once an action is done being processed.

No. If not specified, the temporary file will be written to the default location of the Data\View Action folder in the Stratum.Viewer application folder.

Enclose the parameter and value in double quotes if you use any spaces within that string of text, such as spaces in folder name.

*Note: See information in the next two sections about setting up the file share or any custom log and view action folders in advance.

File Share Folder

The folder to which a shared file will be written must exist prior to the execution of the action. Make sure you choose a folder location to which the intended recipients of the action files have read access. In addition, the Action Processing Account must have read/write access to the specified folder location. 

If the folder is located on the same server as Stratum.Viewer, use the absolute path when referring to it in the action task’s parameter values. If the folder is on a different server, use the full UNC path.

Custom Folders

If you plan on using custom folders for the processing log files or the view action temporary files, they too must exist prior to the execution of the action. Make sure the Action Processing Account has read/write access to the folders. Default log and temporary file folders are already provided in the Stratum.Viewer application folder and, as noted in the provided parameters table, those folders will be used unless you use the /LogFolderPath and /ViewActionFolderPath parameters.

Example Parameter Combinations

Here are a few examples of parameter combinations and what they represent. Notice that:





Processes action ID 345.
/ViewActionId=347 "/FileShareFile=D:\Sales File Shares\action 347 YTD Info.xlsx" Processes the File Share action ID 347, resulting in an MS Excel file named action 347 YTD Info.xlsx. The file is written to the Sales File Shares folder in the Stratum.Viewer server D drive.
/ViewActionId=347 "/LogFolderPath=D:\Sales File Shares\Log\" "/FileShareFile=D:\Sales File Shares\action 347 YTD Info.xlsx" Results in the same output as the previous example but the log file will be written to the Sales File Shares\Log folder in the Stratum.Viewer server D drive. The log file name will be automatically generated by Stratum.Viewer.