See a typical path taken to set up an action.
Right-click anywhere in the view or view background and select Actions then Insert.
Use the General section in the View Distribution window to choose the Distribution Method (Email or File Share) and the set up other basic properties.For Email actions, you select one or more Stratum.Viewer users and/or groups to receive the emailed action results. Results will be based on each of their roles.For File Share actions, you select one user whose role will be used to generate action results. You also determine whether or not an email notification will be sent to that user when the action is processed.
Use the Email section to define email properties for the action. Here you control whether or not an email will be sent in cases where no data exists in action results.Emails for Email actions can include view action results as an MS Excel file attachment or text in the body of the email. And they can include links to the view.Emails for File Share actions can include a link to the view and a link to the shared file.
Click Save. The Attributes section will populate with information about the action.