Introduction to Actions

Stratum.Viewer Actions provide additional flexibility in delivering view results. You determine a delivery method, distribution list, and format used to distribute the view results. The view results can be distributed via email and file share, and their distribution can be scheduled. Views that are distributed via email can have the view results included as an attachment in the form of an MS Excel file or included as text in the body of the email.   

Example uses of actions are to distribute weekly sales updates and month-end inventory reports as well as to alert users to exceptions such as excessive returns or underperforming products.


This is an email created from an action designed to alert key users when current month sales returns are greater than $60,000 for a product. This action is processed every weekend. The email alert contains a list of the products that match the criteria as well as a link to the view used to create the alert. This provides the user with the ability to do further analysis.


This is an email created from an action designed to distribute a weekly Sales Achievement report to all Sales reps and manager. This action is processed every weekend so that a new Sales Achievement report is in each reps and manager inbox every Monday morning. Each sales rep and manager receives an email with an XLSX attachment that contains only their data based on their security setting.
