Example Actions

The following examples show properties defined for an Email and File Share action.

The first example is an Email action. Properties were defined to email weekly sales updates to all the sales reps and managers. The Distribution Method is set to Email and the action will be processed for a Stratum.Viewer user profile group named Brand Managers West. The Email section properties show that each user in each group will receive an email with an MS Excel file attachment containing the Weekly Sales view results and link to the view. The view results will be generated based on each user’s role.


The next example shows a File Share action defined to create an MS Excel file that is used by the company’s internal sales portal. The Distribution Method is set to File Share and will be processed for the user Donna Farris. The action was also defined such that the user receives an email notification whenever the action is processed. Based on the properties defined in the Email section, the email notification will include a link to the shared file, which will be an MS Excel file containing view data based on the user’s role. The email will not include a link to the view, but you do have the option of including that link.

Note: The location and name of the shared file will be determined by parameters that are used when scheduling the action to be run.
