Administrators can control the default subject prefix for action emails generate as a result of no data exists cases. Changing the application default will only impact actions set up after that change. Existing actions will not be impacted by changes to the application default.
Users who are creating actions can leave the prefix set to the application default or customize the prefix as they set up individual actions.
Other things to note about a prefix:
Specifying a prefix is optional.
The prefix is only used in cases where a user who created an action opted to have an action email generated even when there will be no data to send to a designated user (Email action) or when there will be no data in the resulting shared file (File Share actions).
1. Access the View Distribution window for the action.
2. Use the Subject Prefix When no Data Exists field in the Email section to edit the prefix.
Note: If you are working with File Share actions, the Email section will only be enabled if the Send Email Notification property is set to Yes.
3. Save the action.
1. Click Application in the Admin Utilities view group.
2. Scroll to the Actions section of the Application window.
3. Use the Subject Prefix When no Data Exists field to edit the prefix.
4. Save
the changes.